Tag  |  success

elusive and illusive

Solomon laid out the yardsticks of success in ancient Jewish society: wealth, honor, possessions, a very large family, and a very long life (Ecclesiastes 6:2-3). Today, a large family and long life would be deemed by some as more of a burden and trouble than success. But wealth, possessions, and honor are definitely contemporary yardsticks of success.

Even as you…

no other god

In his fascinating book, Modes of Faith, Theodore Ziolkowski reviews the lives of 19th-century European writers who had lost faith in God. What Ziolkowski finds is this: While these authors had dismissed the God of the Bible, another ‘god’ had soon taken His place.

Ziolkowski found five “gods” to be most attractive to these men and their readers. Art was raised…


With steam covering the bathroom mirror, the outline of a group of words became apparent. Trying to clear the view so I could finish getting ready for work, I had been initially surprised when the image appeared. But I smiled as I remembered why it was there. Far from a supernatural occurrence, the hidden message was the remnant of a…


In the midst of great duress,

we can still achieve success;

even if our efforts are in vain,

we can still try again and again.

Neither should we want to die,

nor should we give up and cry;

whether our umpteenth or first try,

let us make each one our best try.

When we depend on our own strength,

we may fail like never before;

when we rely on other…

the most important tool for success

"`If you can'?" said Jesus. "Everything is possible for him who believes” (Mark 9:23).

The most important tool necessary for success is not confidence or education. It’s faith. Before you venture on any project, always spend three days in prayer. When Jesus gives you the green light, go at it with all your gusto knowing that everything you need to…

no excuses

Jeremiah 1:4-7: The word of the Lord came to me, saying, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” “Alas, Sovereign Lord,” I said, “I do not know how to speak; I am too young.” But the Lord said to me,…

relinquish control

When I originally met the little Ugandan boy who eventually became my son, my goal was simply to keep him alive. After he overcame malnutrition and recovered from a long list of diseases, however, my dreams for his life quickly became bigger.

For example, the first time my son—as a mere 5-year-old—petted a horse, I immediately visualized him becoming the…

time and chance

John Tesvich was prepared for anything. When low rainfall or hurricanes disrupted his business, the fourth-generation oysterman waited it out by reducing staff until conditions improved. When consumers worried about bacteria present in raw oysters, John’s company invented a unique pasteurization process that made them safe to eat.

But John never anticipated the BP oil spill. The defective oil rig…

time well spent

Her name is Mary Jane. Having married a steelworker, she’s seen the boom and death of a Pennsylvania steel town where they happily raised their children. When the town no longer held any promise for them, they moved to Florida to enjoy their latter years. Today, though, she misses her husband even though he’s been gone a while (she’s uncertain…

why work?

Think back to a time when you were part of a team through school, church, business, volunteer work, or sports. With that experience fresh in your mind, answer the following: What was your team’s primary goal? Prepare a class presentation? Share the gospel with 500 people? Increase sales by 25 percent in three districts? Win a state or national championship?…

get low

Evangelist D. L. Moody once said, “When a man thinks he has a good deal of strength, and is self-confident, you may look for his downfall. It may be years before it comes to light, but it is already commenced.” This was definitely true of King Uzziah.

Everything seemed to be going so well in the monarch’s life. He lived…

oscar for fathers

James Cameron, of Avatar and Titanic fame, has reportedly said, “Anybody can be a father or a husband. There are only five people in the world who can do what I do, and I’m going for that.”

It isn’t only Hollywood directors who succumb to the siren song of success. Clergymen also put ministry ahead of family. And even King David committed…

forgetting faces

In 2004, a woman named Claire contracted viral encephalitis. After treatment for her illness at a local hospital, she returned home. But her memory had been dramatically affected. Claire developed a condition known as prosopagnosia—the inability to recognize faces. After several years of effort, she can finally pick out her husband’s countenance in a crowd, but she still can’t point…

when the world falls apart

We are obsessed with success. An entire industry revolves around Guinness World Records, cataloging stuff like the longest beard, the fastest 40-meter wheelbarrow race, and the most T-shirts worn at once. We have meticulous lists of all the record holders, but nobody remembers the losers.

Unfortunately, this fascination with all things triumphant has corroded our spiritual pursuits. We can begin to…

overcoming spiritual failure

One of the dangers of past successes is that it can lead to complacency. Positive outcomes are exciting, but they can make us feel overconfident, overly optimistic, and in control. Soon we’re humbled and brought back to reality when we experience failure.

This seems to be what Joshua and Israel felt when they went to take Ai (Joshua 7:2-3). God…

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